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YATS 76: Charity Clicks


“Spoiler alert, if you didn’t finish Lost, they were all dead.”

Welcome to episode 76 of Yet Another Tech Show. This we’re going solo with only myself (Ant Pruitt), Mat Lee and Larry Press. Mike is out this week. This is the technology podcast where the panel strives to bring you informative, yet entertaining tech discussions. Sit back, relax and check out this week’s show topic. Also make sure to subscribe to the brand new YATS YouTube channel. Each page on Google+ that uses Hangouts on Air now must have it’s own YouTube channel. Thank you for subscribing!

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YATS 74: Admin Admin


“If you’re too drunk, please get a designated poster.”

Yet Another Tech Show coming at ya! It’s YATS, everyone. Welcome to this week’s show. I’m Ant Pruitt with super producer Mat Lee, Larry Press and Attack of the Androids co-host Nick Carroll. This is the weekly podcast you can come to and enjoy some informative yet entertaining tech discussions. Take a look this week’s show notes as you listen to the show and follow along.

On with the show!

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YATS 73: Trojan Tactics


“That’s better than the support robot that you talk to.”

Hello and welcome to episode 73 of our weekly tech show, YATS! Join us every week on YATS TV for some lively humorous and always educational tech discussions. Mat Lee here with some show notes for you. On tonight’s show I’m joined by Mike Rothman, Larry Press and Nick Carroll. We discuss my new Moto X, Silk Road arrests, getting hacked during a podcast, Microsoft’s dual boot phone dream, Chrome OS built into Windows 8, free internet courses, HP and Microsoft breakup, Chromecasting from a Chromebook, the most visited sites in the world, and so much more! Thanks for checking out the show, and we’ll see you next week.

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YATS 56: Mr. Teaching Module


“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”

Welcome to Yet Another Tech Show! This is the website and podcast dedicated to bringing you informative and entertaining tech discussions. Each week the YATS panel sits down and discuss the more interesting and latest news in technology. This week our panel includes, Mat Lee, Larry Press, Mike Rothman and myself Ant Pruitt with guest hosts Richard Hay, Chris Miller and Patrick Jordan.

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YATS 54: Sorting the Bits


“These are all my little robots, they’re making all my stuff.”

Another week, another great episode of your favorite tech show, YATS! It’s Yet Another Tech Show. Mat Lee here, Ant Pruitt has the night off. Join us as we talk tech with Ant Pruitt, Mike Rothman, Larry Press and Eric Schimelpfenig. For episode 54 we talk about Defcon and Maker Faire coming up, making guns, Syria getting cut off from the internet again, the quantum internet that isn’t, the OUYA teardown and so much more. Thanks for checking out the show this week, feel free to leave us a message at 406-204-4687 and email TheCrew@YetAnotherTechShow.com. Here’s the notes…

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