Tag Archives: Kim Dotcom

YATS 39: Drive-by Hacking


“It’s all about texting while you’re driving, Larry.”

It’s time for another great episode of Yet Another Tech Show, or as we affectionately call it – YATS. Thanks for coming and checking out the show. I’m Ant Pruitt joined by the super producer Mat Lee, Larry Press and Mike Rothman. We are tech evangelists here to bring you informative tech discussions with an entertaining delivery. Be sure to join us live during our live-stream each Wednesday approximately 11:00pm eastern. We have a the show streaming on YATS-TV and a great chat room for follow up discussion with other listeners. We also have a YATS Community on Google+. Come join us there throughout the week. Chat with us, submit story suggestions for the show and laugh at Facebook with me. Well maybe not laugh at Facebook. Anyway, let’s get into the show.

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