Tag Archives: photography

YATS 36: OCT(31) = DEC(25)


“I’m trading them with my friends and catching them all.”

Hey everyone, Mat Lee here with show notes for episode 36 of our favorite tech podcast, YATS. Ant Pruitt has the night off. Remember, this is the last episode until the new year, so have a safe holiday. On tonight’s episode we talk about some quick updates to the John McAfee made for real life tv drama, Google Maps on iOS, Google Communities, Facebook and the Taliban, Apple TV designs, and so much more. Keep on reading for links to what we’ve discussed. Thanks for listening, and help spread the word via the share buttons below the post.

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YATS 22: Look at the Birdy


“You can’t send them outside to take a time out.”

Hello and welcome to episode 22 of our weekly technology podcast, YATS! Mat Lee here back from quite the strenuous trip joined this evening by Mike Rothman, Larry Press, and of course, Ant Pruitt. If you want to hear more about the aftermath of my trip to Mexico, check out the latest episode of BOS and the Hot Box. On tonight’s episode we discuss some Mars Curiosity Rover updates, the Apple VS Samsung lawsuit, why you should be scared about facial recognition, final words on cord cutting the Olympics, talking heads and education, T-Mobile giving back unlimited data plans, Verizon and the cable companies getting into bed together, and so much more. Thanks for listening, please spread the word and if you enjoy the show, donate some cash. We keep this thing going out of our own pocket. I don’t want to put ads on the show or the site, so this is the only other way to pay for the server. If you donate, we’ll give you a shout out on the show!

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YATS 9: Spin Sales


“I didn’t build a crappy network, it’s not my fault.”

Ladies and gents, Mat Lee here doing some notes for Yet Another Tech Show. Ant has the night off. Join us this week as Larry Press, myself and Ant Pruitt talk about the tech news that matters to us, and you. Each and every week we meet up and hangout publicly so you can join the discussion. There’s nothing like some good old real time interaction. Remember when we used to interact with each other in real time? I still do, but it’s called a day job. We’re trying to get away from that. You can watch the hangout for episode nine on YATS TV for the rest of the week, then on this YouTube playlist.

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YATS 1: Conscious and Sentient


Welcome to the first ever episode of Yet Another Tech Show! We’re very excited to bring you a weekly glimpse into what we find interesting in the technology world, and beyond. Thanks for listening!

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