YATS 12: Remember Your Lie


“There has to be responsibility on both sides.”

Hello and welcome to episode 12 of our weekly technology talk show, YATS! Ant Pruitt here back with some show notes, so sit forward and get your reading glasses on, it’s YATS! Keep reading for show notes and links.

Yes there was another security breach recently. LinkedIn and E-harmony were both compromised and had small percentage of their user accounts’ passwords were stolen. We at YATS hopes that everyone are now using secure and complex passwords. Sure, both the folks at LinkedIn and E-harmony are at fault for this security breach, but the users are also at fault for having passwords that aren’t complex enough. We discuss password security and salted hashes briefly.

Mat shared some new technology he found over on Engadget.com. Tactus Technology shows off its prototype of an Android tablet that has buttons… sort of. The buttons are actually rendered and appear on the tablet screen offering tactile feedback. You have to see the video. Call it the shape shifting tablet.

Google quietly acquired Quick Office mobile office apps. As mentioned on their blog, “get more done anytime, anywhere.” Is this Google’s attempt to just gobble up the competition because of their Google Docs app? Or is Google attempting to recruit the hot talent for development. Isn’t the old saying “if you can’t beat them, buy them?”

The IHS report states that Netflix is now the online movie business leader over iTunes. Mike feels we’re still in the early days of online movie and television market for the masses. This is just the beginning. We discuss the differences in strategy between companies like Netflix and Apple as well as the proposition of cutting the cable/satellite cord. Most would love to have an a la carte option for cable television, but this may not be an affordable option even at $12 per month. Hey there’s always the option to torrent, right?

The X86 Asus Transformer Book was shown off at Computex expo in Taiwan. This is an Ivy Bridge tablet with the body of an ultrabook. This device looks really good and allowing you to run full Windows 8. High battery life and CPU horsepower is touted. Could this the new tablet of choice for enterprise?

And lastly, we pay our respects to Ray Bradbury, famous SciFi author. Bradbury passed at the age of 91. Larry shared a heartfelt post on Google Plus from a friend of Bradbury. May he rest in peace.

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