Tag Archives: education - Page 4

YATS 17: Kludge


“I do my best work in witch doctor mode.”

Hello and welcome to episode 17 of YATS. Mat Lee here with the same old guys you’ve come to know week in and week out as the YATS crew. On tonight’s episode we discuss all sorts of tech news including Marissa Mayer and Yahoo, Google helping out with the Mexican drug cartels, and more Lawsuit Larry fun with Dragon VS. Goldman Sachs. But wait, that’s not all! We have even more Lawsuit Larry fun with Aereo VS Big Media. All this and so much more relevant tech commentary you care about on episode 17 of Yet Another Tech Show. Thanks for listening, enjoy the notes.

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YATS 8: Google Gave Nevada 50 Bucks


“Some people just can’t handle freedom.”

Ant Pruitt here, and welcome to episode 8 of YATS: Yet Another Tech Show. This is your weekly rundown of technology news, rumors, and sometimes rants. Big things were going on in the world of tech and our YATS crew gets around the mic to share thoughts and opinions. We were joined by guest host Jeremy Lesniak of Vermont Computing and aNewDomain. We appreciate our “viewers” as well as our listeners as we are now running our Google Hangouts live on air. Thanks for joining our chat room too. You can always watch our live recording via yetanothertechshow.com/live.

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YATS 7: Long Form Fiction


“If they make a television they would probably be pissed off because there’s so much crappy furniture out there being made.”

It’s YATS! Episode 7 of Yet Another Tech Show. This is your weekly rundown of technology news, rumors, and sometimes rants. The tech world has buzzed on several items this week and our panel sits down to discuss a few items of note and share our opinions on it all. Thanks to those of you that joined our live video stream and chat room at yetanothertechshow.com/live. We enjoy interacting with our listeners and now “viewers” of show.

On with the show…
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YATS 6: Bigger Pipes


“You told it to get off your lawn I recall.”

Hey, Ant Pruitt here, with a quick thanks for checking out episode 6 of Yet Another Tech Show. This is your weekly rundown of technology news, rumors, and sometimes rants. It has been a busy week in the world of tech and our panel sits down to discuss the ins, the outs, and our opinions on it all. Also, we are now live streaming our show as we record each week. The schedule is Wednesday at 11pm eastern, 8pm pacific. Just browse to YATS tv at yetanothertechshow.com/live to view it and join our IRC chat room.

Episode six at hand. . . . Read more »

YATS 5: Hangout Minutes


“Maybe James Cameron was down in the Marianas Trench laying some new fiber for us.”

Hey! It’s episode 5 of Yet Another Tech Show. This is your weekly rundown of technology news, rumors, and sometimes rants. Thanks for listening to our show and growing the YATS Squadron! Be sure to check us out on iTunes, Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter. We have also updated our panel’s bio page to give you a little more information about Mat Lee, Larry Press, Mike Rothman, and myself (Ant Pruitt).

Now, on to episode 5… Read more »