Tag Archives: Ant Pruitt - Page 18

YATS 11: Saving Lives and Serving Ads


“Emails, that’s all people are creating, emails.”

Hello and welcome to another episode of our weekly tech podcast, YATS! Mat Lee here, and if you didn’t know, I host this beast. Joining me on episode 11 of Yet Another Tech Show is the whole crew of Mike Rothman, Ant Pruitt and Larry Press. We have a great episode for you, and as usual, if you want to see the archive video from the taping, they live here on my YouTube tech show playlist. You can also view the latest episode on YATS TV. Regardless of how you consume our discussions, we encourage you to subscribe to the RSS feed in iTunes, or you’re favorite podcast app, that way you get fresh high quality crystal clear YATS each and every week. If you use iTunes, make sure to write us a quick review. Also, we are social creatures, so please reach out and interact with us via the social network buttons in the upper right. We focus our social networking on the YATS Facebook page, Google+ page, and Twitter account. Reach out and let’s chat, and please share YATS with your friends. Tap, click, or press the read more for links to show notes. Thanks for listening!

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YATS 10: Insult to Injury


“Where’s the print screen key on this thing?”

Hey and welcome to episode TEN of YATS! I’m Ant Pruitt and I’m going to give you a quick run of what we covered this week on Yet Another Tech Show. As usual, each show is recorded via Google Plus Hangouts on Air. We begin our recording each Wednesday roughly around 11pm eastern and 8pm pacific. You can watch our live stream of the hangout by going to YATS TV on yetanothertechshow.com/live. So each week, grab a beer (or other beverage of choice), browse to our live stream and sit back to enjoy some fresh YATS. A big THANK YOU to everyone for their tremendous support. Ten episodes is a big milestone.

On to the show notes…
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YATS 9: Spin Sales


“I didn’t build a crappy network, it’s not my fault.”

Ladies and gents, Mat Lee here doing some notes for Yet Another Tech Show. Ant has the night off. Join us this week as Larry Press, myself and Ant Pruitt talk about the tech news that matters to us, and you. Each and every week we meet up and hangout publicly so you can join the discussion. There’s nothing like some good old real time interaction. Remember when we used to interact with each other in real time? I still do, but it’s called a day job. We’re trying to get away from that. You can watch the hangout for episode nine on YATS TV for the rest of the week, then on this YouTube playlist.

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YATS 8: Google Gave Nevada 50 Bucks


“Some people just can’t handle freedom.”

Ant Pruitt here, and welcome to episode 8 of YATS: Yet Another Tech Show. This is your weekly rundown of technology news, rumors, and sometimes rants. Big things were going on in the world of tech and our YATS crew gets around the mic to share thoughts and opinions. We were joined by guest host Jeremy Lesniak of Vermont Computing and aNewDomain. We appreciate our “viewers” as well as our listeners as we are now running our Google Hangouts live on air. Thanks for joining our chat room too. You can always watch our live recording via yetanothertechshow.com/live.

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YATS 7: Long Form Fiction


“If they make a television they would probably be pissed off because there’s so much crappy furniture out there being made.”

It’s YATS! Episode 7 of Yet Another Tech Show. This is your weekly rundown of technology news, rumors, and sometimes rants. The tech world has buzzed on several items this week and our panel sits down to discuss a few items of note and share our opinions on it all. Thanks to those of you that joined our live video stream and chat room at yetanothertechshow.com/live. We enjoy interacting with our listeners and now “viewers” of show.

On with the show…
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