Tag Archives: entertainment - Page 3

YATS 37: Point and Shoot


“I want one of those for my drone.”

Holy cow, we’re back and it’s the first episode of 2013. Thanks for checking out YATS. Mat Lee here joined on this episode by Larry Press and Michael Olsen. Ant and Mike Rothman will be back next week. On tonight’s episode we discuss some cool CES 2013 stuff, Eric Schmidt taking a trip to North Korea, Google Communities, the Linux gun, internet in Myanmar, a prosthetic arm that feels, and a fake war on Wikipedia. Keep on reading for links to what we’ve discussed. Thanks for listening, and help spread the word via the share buttons below the post.

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YATS 33: Collateral Damage


“Battlestar Galactica is my crack.”

Hey everyone! Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Yet Another Tech Show. I’m Ant Pruitt. Myself, Mike Rothman, Mat Lee and Larry Press are all bunch of tech lovers here to bring you informative and entertaining tech discussions. Be sure to check out all of social media connections and give us a follow.

Thanks for listening and be sure to tell a friend! Continue on for the show notes…

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YATS 32: Google For President


“We heard about this internet thing, we don’t like it.”

What’s going on, everyone? I’m Ant Pruitt and this is another week with a great episode of Yet Another Tech Show. Or as we affectionately call it… YATS! Thanks for tuning in and checking out our show. This week we have the crew in discussing interesting and entertaining tech news. As usual, Larry Press, Mike Rothman and Mat Lee are all on board to bring you fresh YATS.

On with the show…

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YATS 22: Look at the Birdy


“You can’t send them outside to take a time out.”

Hello and welcome to episode 22 of our weekly technology podcast, YATS! Mat Lee here back from quite the strenuous trip joined this evening by Mike Rothman, Larry Press, and of course, Ant Pruitt. If you want to hear more about the aftermath of my trip to Mexico, check out the latest episode of BOS and the Hot Box. On tonight’s episode we discuss some Mars Curiosity Rover updates, the Apple VS Samsung lawsuit, why you should be scared about facial recognition, final words on cord cutting the Olympics, talking heads and education, T-Mobile giving back unlimited data plans, Verizon and the cable companies getting into bed together, and so much more. Thanks for listening, please spread the word and if you enjoy the show, donate some cash. We keep this thing going out of our own pocket. I don’t want to put ads on the show or the site, so this is the only other way to pay for the server. If you donate, we’ll give you a shout out on the show!

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YATS 21: This Streaming Thing


“I streamed a lot while I was at work at the office, and it wasn’t the best experience.”

Hello everyone. This is Ant Pruitt. Thanks for checking out YATS | Yet Another Tech Show. We’re now “legal”! Just kidding, we’re now 21 episodes in. Thanks for your continued support of the show. Your following of us on the social sites as well as your donations are greatly appreciated. Our super producer, Mat Lee, is out on leave. He has details of his leave on his last episode of The Buffer Overflow Show and The Hot Box Podcast. Feel free to check out the deets there.

On with the show!

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